Tuesday, September 7, 2010

What the world would look like if the Irish hadn't discovered Guinness...

Green, as far as the eye could see!!

The empire of Ireland rules the world! The sun would never set on it's global empire! The Celts become the modern day influence on fashion, politics, religion and influence! All except for one minor detail...


Damn, there goes the idea of an Irish empire...

All this could've been possible!! That is...until the Irish discovered beer. This was the "gateway drug" to other things like Jameson, and other Irish Whiskies. -Literally poison to the Celtic bloodstream.

For some reason, it seems that if you are of a Celtic bloodline, (ie: Scottish, Irish, Welsh) you have a relative with a drinking problem. If you go into an A.A. meeting, the reasons that they only use first names, is because it got too hard to remember the Murphy's, O'Brien's, Kelly's MacGregor's, Kennedy's, McDonald's ect. For everyone knows that if it weren't for the Celts, Alcoholics Annonymous would simply just be a book club...

Guinness and Jameson are now used for crowd control these days, as it keeps the work ethic and organized unions at bay. Governments usually provide the thirst quencher for meetings, knowing that the Celtic blood is unable to simply say "no thanks" -Say No to free drink? Not in a million!!

So for now, we shall keep the Irish empire to The Temple Bar, Guinness and Jameson tours in Dublin and let the rest of the world live in peace...


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