Monday, July 11, 2016

Being Racially Colour Blind

The simple fact is, the perspective of “different” scares most people.

People Love familiarity because it’s what they know. They Love it so much that people can exist inside of poor choices or circumstances, but if it’s what they know or have familiarity in, they develop coping mechanisms to exists inside of it, and continue with that circumstance as its partner. Wow, powerful stuff...

As human beings, we are all part of the same race. The human race is the most intelligent collection of living souls on this planet. Yet despite being as intelligent as we sometimes are, our fears impede us from connecting more fluidly, and easily to each other in solidarity. We need proof or evidence to create what is safe, and what is not safe. We learn to trust our senses from what we see. Yet our eyes can deceive us from perceiving what is real, and what’s an illusion. We judge and assess to make meaning of our environment, and in doing so, we deceive ourselves from what our truth is.

Rather than seeing ourselves as whole human beings, our insecurities can divide us to create distinctions and differences. We are so fearful that we are not worthy enough, we create the perception that someone or something is not what we are. Our identity kicks in like a survival mechanism, and because that something is not what we are, we make it wrong, weird or different. We defend our own identity, ideas, and beliefs as if they were absolute truth. But in truth, there are mis-truths. Yet out of almost nine billion people in the world, we are unique. There is nobody else exactly like us. So literally everybody is going to be different from us, and we can spend our entire lives seeking familiarity, and avoiding difference.

So we cling to the likened or familiar. We call them tribes, countries, race, conservative, liberal, Black, white, gay, straight, and the list goes on. We associate with these traits as if they were real and significant because we feel it’s what defines us. Yet all of these traits are ego-gratifying and irrelevant. They actually divide us, not unite us. We can be so attached to these traits that we might not accept others if they aren't. And this is the great divide.

Rather than seeing ours bodies as vehicles for the souls who drive them, we seem to confuse ourselves as if we were the vehicle, and not the driver. We put our emphasis on being the car, instead of being it's driver. We relate to people as being the car we are driving. I'm clear that I am not the car I am driving in this life. It's simply a vehicle to get my soul to where it needs to go whilst having a human experience. My vehicle is not me, and I am not my vehicle. 

So I'm not attached or significant about my skin colour, or my eye colour, or my height, or any other trait that I was born with. To a greater degree, I can control my body type, or my knowledge, or whatever I can input into my vehicle, but this still doesn't define me. Releasing the notion that I am what my body is, makes me less defensive, and less attached. I do my best listening, connecting and growth when I’m open, and not defensive.

What does defines me is my character. And my character is not a colour, or a tribe, or a gender or a sexual preference. So forgive me if I choose not to look at somebody, and assess them as their skin suit at the costume party of life. Souls wear costumes, but we are not the costume we are wearing. We are so much more than that, and I for one, will not assess another for the kind of suit they are wearing. I will assess souls for their character because anything less than that is irrelevant to me. 

So if I say I don't see colour, or race, or sexuality, I think it's a step forward for humanity, and not backwards. It means I accept you as a soul looking at you from another perspective, away from the identity of what society has called me, and divided you and I on. It means I don't define you as what your skin suits looks like, because it's simply a vehicle your soul is using to connect to me. 

Because in the end, the common link of this energy that binds us, is we are all spirit beings having a human experience.

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